Just a week after Delaware Democrats began pushing for
“Markellcare”, a single-payer healthcare takeover that would potentially outlaw
any and all private health insurance in Delaware, Delaware legislators are
pushing another sweeping bill that will have unintended negative
consequences. SB
234 is a bill that seeks to address child abuse in the state. This is an admirable idea, that is until you
read the bill which is at best ambiguous and at worst, nothing short of a nanny
state takeover of parental rights.
First, let me display the general consensus of the nanny state
legislators who are pushing this bill:
Good afternoon,
I am writing to correct
misconceptions about the proposed criminalization of child abuse under Senate Bill
234. We are not changing the definition of child abuse! Currently, we do not
have a law to charge those who abuse, neglect or torture children that is
specific to meet the needs of our kids. That's what this new legislation does!
Simply, it makes it criminal and will punish those who beat (not spank), abuse,
neglect or torture our kids.
As a mom of 3 kids, I fully
understand the difference between discipline, spanking and beating, and this
law does NOT prevent parents from disciplining/spanking their child under 11
Del. C. Second 468 (which I pasted below). We need to end abuse. We need to
strengthen or laws. And we need to protect all children from the lifelong and
possibly deadly consequences of these vicious acts.
I am hoping that the parents who
love their children and wish that all children grow up safely will stand behind
Rebecca Walker, JD, MSN
State Representative 9th
Office: 302-744-4391
Fax: 302-739-2313
Email: rebecca.walker@state.de.us
Actually, it IS illegal to abuse children…at both the
federal and state levels. (State: http://delcode.delaware.gov/title16/c009/sc01/index.shtml,
Federal: http://www.childwelfare.gov/can/defining/federal.cfm)
As a father of 4 kids, I fully understand the difference
between discipline, spanking and beating. I fully agree that "child
abuse" should not be tolerated. However, SB 234 is ambiguous at best
and downright controlling at worst (http://www.legis.delaware.gov/LIS/LIS146.nsf/vwLegislation/SB+234?Opendocument).
Contrary to Representative Walker's claims, this bill WOULD in fact, legally
outlaw "spanking" per the following clause;
(j) “Physical injury” to a child
shall mean any impairment of physical condition or pain.
So, causing pain can be considered "Physical
injury" for the purposes of this bill. Woe to the parent who smacks
an unruly child and causes them to cry. There are already countless cases
around the country of people interceding in parental discipline cases both
warranted and unwarranted, add to that an ambiguous law that gives an ambulance
chaser the opportunity to make a few bucks by trying a parent for what amounts
to bending their child over their knee and you open the FLOODGATES for children
to run roughshod all over their parents. "Touch me and I'll
sue!" becomes the next phrase out of our kids mouths and parents will be
HELPLESS to rear their children as they see fit. It's my hope that
thinking parents, reasonable parents and decent parents will stand with ME in
saying, "We don't need the government to tell us how to discipline our
This is not a new thought process for states either. Parental rights from where you choose to
educate your kids to how you discipline them and even how you feed them have
been under assault for decades and from all levels of government from the
U.N. all the way to cities and municipalities.
This assault on our kids and on our rights must be stopped. Folks, we can discern between “discipline”
and “abuse”. We know the lines, it’s
time for common sense. Call your
legislator and tell them to vote “NO” on this ambiguous and unnecessary bill
and if they DON’T, if this bill passes and they haven’t stood for our parental
rights, make sure you tell them that you will vote them out of office.
1: Harris B. McDowell, III
Office: (302)744-4147 Home: (302)656-2921 Harris.McDowell@state.de.us 2311 Baynard Blvd Wilmington, DE 19802 Democrat |
2: Margaret Rose Henry
Office: (302)744-4191 Home: (302)425-4148 MargaretRose.Henry@state.de.us 1910 N. Washington Street Wilmington, DE 19802 Democrat |
3: Robert I. Marshall
Office: (302)744-4168 Home: (302)656-7261 robert.marshall@state.de.us 1702 Sycamore St. Wilmington, DE 19805 Democrat |
4: Michael S. Katz
Office: (302)744-4286 Home: (302)540-5603 michael.katz@state.de.us P.O. Box 3844 Wilmington, DE 19807 Democrat |
5: Catherine A. Cloutier
Office: (302)744-4197 Home: (302)478-9616 catherine.cloutier@state.de.us 2404 E. Heather Road Wilmington, DE 19803-2718 Republican |
6: Liane M. Sorenson
Office: (302)744-4136 Home: (302)234-3303 Liane.Sorenson@state.de.us 417 Snuff Mill Hill Hockessin, DE 19707 Republican |
7: Patricia M. Blevins
Office: (302)744-4133 Home: (302)994-4843 Patricia.Blevins@state.de.us 209 Linden Ave Wilmington, DE 19805-2515 Democrat |
8: David P. Sokola
Office: (302)744-4139 Home: (302)239-2193 David.Sokola@state.de.us 24 Beech Hill Drive Newark, DE 19711-2947 Democrat |
9: Karen E. Peterson
Office: (302)744-4163 Home: (302)999-7522 Karen.Peterson@state.de.us 1306 W. Newport Pike Wilmington, DE 19804-3521 Democrat |
10: Bethany A. Hall-Long
Office: (302)744-4286 Home: (302)378-8386 bethany.hall-long@state.de.us 127 Saint Augustine Court Middletown, DE 19709 Democrat |
11: Anthony J. DeLuca
Office: (302)744-4165 Home: (302)737-4929 Anthony.DeLuca@state.de.us 27 Trevett Dr. Newark, DE 19702 Democrat |
12: Dori Connor
Office: (302)744-4164 Home: (302)328-8944 Dorinda.Connor@state.de.us 18 Crippen Drive New Castle, DE 19720-3243 Republican |
13: David B. McBride
Office: (302)744-4167 Home: (302)322-6100 David.McBride@state.de.us 7 Nicole Ct. New Castle, DE 19720-3760 Democrat |
14: Bruce C. Ennis
Office: (302)744-4310 Home: (302)653-7566 bruce.ennis@state.de.us 522 Smyrna Clayton Blvd Smyrna, DE 19977 Democrat |
15: David Lawson
Office: (302) 744-4237 Home: (302) 492-1155 Dave.Lawson@state.de.us 2257 Westville Rd Marydel, DE 19964 Republican |
16: Colin R. J. Bonini
Office: (302)744-4169 Home: (302)698-0960 senator-colin@prodigy.net 276 Banning Road Camden Wyoming, DE 19934 Republican |
17: Brian J. Bushweller
Office: (302)744-4162 Home: (302)674-5442 brian.bushweller@state.de.us 103 Burning Tree Rd. Dover, DE 19904 Democrat |
18: F. Gary Simpson
Office: (302)744-4134 Home: (302)422-3460 gsimpson@udel.edu 6 W. Clarke Ave. Milford, DE 19963 Republican |
19: Joseph W Booth
Office: (302)744-4117 Home: (302)856-1850 Joseph.Booth@state.de.us 200 Garden Street Georgetown, DE 19947 Republican |
20: George H. Bunting, Jr.
Office: (302)744-4286 Home: (302)539-2229 George.Bunting@state.de.us P.O. Box 1497 Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Democrat |
21: Robert L. Venables, Sr.
Office: (302)744-4298 Home: (302)875-9559 Robert.Venables@state.de.us 116 Hearn Ave. Laurel, DE 19956 Democrat |
1: Dennis P. Williams
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)764-1812 Dennis.Williams@state.de.us 3414 N Madison St. Wilmington, DE 19802 Democrat |
2: Stephanie Bolden
Office: (302) 744-4351 Home: (302) 428-1269 StephanieT.Bolden@state.de.us 38 E McCaulley Ct Wilmington, DE 19801 Democrat |
3: Helene M. Keeley
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)655-7071 helene.keeley@state.de.us 2107 W. 2nd Street Wilmington, DE 19805 Democrat |
4: Gerald L. Brady
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)655-1373 gerald.brady@state.de.us 1804 Shallcross Ave. Wilmington, DE 19806 Democrat |
5: Melanie George Smith
Office: (302)744-4126 Home: (302)832-1956 melanie.g.smith@state.de.us 12 Calvarese Dr. Bear, DE 19701 Democrat |
6: Debra Heffernan
Office: (302) 744-4351 Home: (302) 762-3478 debra.heffernan@state.de.us 113 Blue Rock Rd Wilmington, DE 19809 Democrat |
7: Byron H. Short
Office: (302)744-4297 Home: (302)475-2252 Bryon.Short@state.de.us 14 Chestnut Road Wilmington, DE 19810 Democrat |
8: Quinton Johnson
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)378-2681 Quinton.Johnson@state.de.us 151 Back Creek Dr Middletown, DE 19709 Democrat |
9: Rebecca Walker
Office: (302) 744-4351 Home: (302) 293-2356 Rebecca.Walker@state.de.us 4386 S Dupont Hwy Townsend, DE 19734 Democrat |
10: Dennis E. Williams
Office: (302)477-1993 Home: (302)577-8723 Dennis.E.Williams@state.de.us P.O. Box 7257 Wilmington, DE 19803 Democrat |
11: Gregory F. Lavelle
Office: (302)744-4171 Home: (302)478-6128 Greg.Lavelle@state.de.us 500 Whitby Dr Wilmington, DE 19803 Republican |
12: Deborah D. Hudson
Office: (302)744-4171 Home: (302)651-9571 Deborah.Hudson@state.de.us 1022 Oriente Ave Wilmington, DE 19807 Republican |
13: John L. Mitchell, Jr.
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)995-1803 john.l.mitchell@state.de.us 1234 SYCAMORE AVENUE Wilmington, DE 19805 Democrat |
14: Peter C. Schwartzkopf
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)227-6252 Peter.Schwartzkopf@state.de.us 24 Coventry Rd Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Democrat |
15: Valerie Longhurst
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)836-3717 Valerie.Longhurst@state.de.us 11 Winchester Court Bear, DE 19701 Democrat |
16: James Johnson
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)322-3521 jj.johnson@state.de.us 105 Skelton Drive New Castle, DE 19702 Democrat |
17: Michael P. Mulrooney
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)328-1249 Michael.Mulrooney@state.de.us 32 Saratoga Dr New Castle, DE 19702 Democrat |
18: Michael Barbieri
Office: (302)744-4192 Home: (302)368-7257 michael.barbieri@state.de.us 88 Iroquois Court Newark, DE 19702 Democrat |
19: Robert F. Gilligan
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)999-8722 Robert.Gilligan@state.de.us 2628 Sherwood Dr Wilmington, DE 19808 Democrat |
20: Nick T. Manolakos
Office: (302)744-4321 Home: (302)239-3943 Nick.T.Manolakos@state.de.us 227 Charleston Drive Wilmington, DE 19808 Republican |
21: Michael Ramone
Office: (302)744-4108 Home: (302)737-3412 Michael.Ramone@state.de.us 211 Nathan CT Newark, DE 19711 Republican |
22: Joseph E. Miro
Office: (302)744-4171 Home: (302)454-1840 joseph.miro@state.de.us 5 Firechase Circle Newark, DE 19711 Republican |
23: Teresa Schooley
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)454-1176 Terry.Schooley@state.de.us 2 Chapel Hill Drive Newark, DE 19711 Democrat |
24: Edward Osienski
Office: (302) 744-4351 Home: (302) 292-8903 Edward.Osienski@state.de.us 183 Scottfield Dr Newark, DE 19713 Democrat |
25: John A. Kowalko, Jr.
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)737-2396 john.kowalko@state.de.us 134 N Dillwyn Rd Newark, DE 19711 Democrat |
26: John J. Viola
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)832-2209 John.Viola@state.de.us 9 Orangeburg Ct Newark, DE 19702 Democrat |
27: Earl Jaques
Office: (302)744-4142 Home: (302)834-9231 earl.jaques@state.de.us 82 Cann Road Newark, DE 19702 Democrat |
28: William Carson
Office: (302)744-4113 Home: (302)653-8642 william.carson@state.de.us 680 Lake Dr West Smyrna, DE 19977 Democrat |
29: Lincoln Willis
Office: (302) 744-4033 Home: (302) 659-3436 Lincoln.Willis@state.de.us 142 Island Lane Clayton, DE 19938 Republican |
30: William Outten
Office: (302)744-4083 Home: (302)398-3816 bobby.outten@state.de.us 206 Delaware Avenue Harrington, DE 19952 Republican |
31: Darryl Scott
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)735-1781 Darryl.Scott@state.de.us 102 Cobblestone Lane Dover, DE 19904 Democrat |
32: Bradford Bennett
Office: (302)744-4253 Home: (302)697-8110 bradford.bennett@state.de.us 52 Stuart Drive Dover, DE 19901 Democrat |
33: Jack Peterman
Office: 302-744-4171 Home: 302-335-4261 jack.peterman@state.de.us 595 Log Cabin Rd Milford, DE 19963 Republican |
34: Donald A. Blakey
Office: (302)744-4103 Home: (302)697-6723 donald.blakey@state.de.us 956 Bison Rd Dover, DE 19904 Republican |
35: Dave Wilson
Office: (302)744-4150 Home: (302)422-3454 David.L.Wilson@state.de.us P.O. Box 84 Lincoln, DE 19960 Republican |
36: Harvey R. Kenton
Office: 302-744-4171 Home: 302-422-6155 Harvey.Kenton@state.de.us 3 Quail Ridge Rd Milford, DE 19963 Republican |
37: Ruth Briggs-King
Office: (302)744-4251 Home: (302)856-4987 Ruth.BriggsKing@state.de.us 3 Par Ct Georgetown, DE 19947 Republican |
38: Gerald W. Hocker
Office: (302) 744-4171 Home: (302)539-4140 Gerald.Hocker@state.de.us P.O. Box 930 Ocean View, DE 19970 Republican |
39: Daniel B. Short
Office: (302)744-4172 Home: (302)629-6525 Daniel.Short@state.de.us 1203 Stein Hwy Seaford, DE 19973 Republican |
40: Clifford G. "Biff" Lee
Office: (302)744-4171 Home: (302)875-5119 biff.lee@state.de.us 705 S. Central Ave Laurel, DE 19956 Republican |
41: John Atkins
Office: (302)744-4351 Home: (302)934-1587 john.atkins@state.de.us P.O. Box 717 Millsboro, DE 19966 Democrat |
Jack Markell
Office: Dover: Wilmington: Democrat |
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